Time Stamping


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Punit Sharma

I want to get the time stamped SOE on Modbus protocol. Is it possible to get the time stamped data on Modbus protocol? Does this protocol support time stamping?

punit_2k @ rediffmail. com

Darrin Hansen

Modbus itself does not support any timestamping. You would have to do something of your own design to accomplish this.

Fred Loveless

There is no data and time in the protocol itself but you could very easily read a Data and time from Internal or Holding registers. This would only be associated with data if you set it when the specific data you want associtated with was set/moved to those registers. Some Flow meters will use Enron Modbus addressing and provide a range of holding registers that contain Archive data which will have a Data and Time associated with them. Kepware's Modbus Driver suite has support for the Enron addressing structure.


Hopefully this makes a little sense.

Fred Loveless
Support Manager
Kepware Technologies