Comm Event Log in Listen Only Mode


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Good morning,

I'm a new MODBUS protocol user and I have some amletic doubts.

Referring to the paragraphs 6.8.1 and 6.10 of the MODBUS APPLICATION PROTOCOL SPECIFICATION v1.1b

If the server/slave is in LISTEN ONLY MODE, all the messages on the network are "monitored" but the only function "processed" is the <Restart Communications Option>. What is the content of the Communication Event Log during this modality?

It seems to me that the <Remote device MODBUS Receive Events> continue to be stored in the Communication Event Log but not so the <Remote device MODBUS Send Events> because the functions are "monitored" but not "processed". Is this correct? It is very important for me to know this.

If the previous note is correct the only <Remote device MODBUS Send Event> stored in the <Communication Event Log> in LISTEN ONLY MODE is the one resulting from the "processing" of the <Restart Communications Option> function.
Is this Correct?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

e-mail: stefano. poretto @ ditecve. com